Why So Many Immunizations?

Good question! The reason is that no one can be sure that the pup will actually mount a good antibody response to the disease just from one vaccination. The age of the pup and just how much immunity it has received from its mother will complicate the “probability of protection”. So… if the pup has lots of immunity (called PASSIVE IMMUNITY) that was borrowed from the mother during early nursing, this immunity will actually interfere with the pup’s ability to make its own immunity from the vaccine challenge. The idea is to get the vaccine into the pup just as soon as the mother’s passive immunity wears off (NOW the pup is very susceptible to sickness if it is exposed to the disease!) so that the pup can make more lasting immunity of its own. The precise time when a pup can respond well to a vaccine is variable… it might occur at 6 weeks of age or might be 12 weeks. So to be as safe as possible, why not start vaccinating at 6 weeks and end at 16 weeks? Almost 99 per cent of puppies will develop a good immune level to the various disease from a vaccine schedule similar to the one above.


PawsPlus Pet Supplies

The Labrador Retriever is themost popular breed in Americafor the 21st year in a row! Find out what other dogs made the list. 

According to the press release recently issued by the American Kennel Club, Labrador Retrievers are the most popular dogs in America, yet again. After 21 years in first place, it doesn’t look like love for the breed will be dissipating anytime soon.

The list featured some notable trends in puppy love: most obviously, big dogs are moving up the ladder with five of the top ten being larger breeds. Also, all four Setter breeds (English, Irish, Gordon, and Irish Red and White) made considerable jumps in rank, while Coonhounds took the largest dip. For smaller dogs, Terriers are on the rise again after a few years of falling on the charts.

cute puppies – popular dogs | 1) Labrador RetrieverWith a well earned…

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To Board Or Not To Board

As much as we hate to leave our pets behind, it’s impossible to travel with all of them.

In our case, a pet sitter is called for and we only work with people we have known for years. But that is not always feasible. And let’s face it, sometimes we have to go out of town…

A recent tragedy at a boarding facility in Arizona resulted in 20 dogs dying within a few hours due to heat exposure. (Here is the story if you missed it).

So, how do you choose a boarding facility or pet-sitter and how can you rest assured that your dog is being cared for properly?

Here are ways you can avoid losing your pet to a less than honorable boarding facility…

The reputation of the kennel is critical. Check with friends, read online reviews, search out complaints by typing in “name of kennel + complaint” into Google. The kennel above had plenty of bad reviews prior to this event happening…

GPS Tracker and Activity Monitors
Make sure your dog is wearing a GPS tracker and/or activity monitor so you know where he or she is and what type of activity level they are engaged in. While these can be removed and carried around by someone, it’s just an extra form of protection that we hope will help. Here are a few we recommend and their reviews:

Tagg Activity Tracker
Starwalk (review coming soon!)
Spotlight 2.0
Wireless Cameras
If you have a pet sitter come over to your house, let them know that you have wireless cameras installed. It’s just a courtesy and if you trust them with your pets, you should at least let them know that you may be checking in on them. These cameras are affordable (between $100-$200) and easy to install. It also gives you additional documentation in case anything happens.

A Look at the Samsung Pet Cam
PetsGEEKly: Samsung SmartCam HD Pro
PetsGEEKly: Motorola Scout 66 Wi-fi Pet Monitor
Be sure the facility you choose has remote cameras installed that give you access via secured server. In this day and age, there really is no reason for a facility to not have cameras installed. If they do not – ask them why and decide if this is okay for yourself.

Walk Through Prior to Boarding
Prior to selecting a facility, take a tour. Be sure you specifically ask them to take you anywhere your dog or cat will have access and pay particular attention to the following:

Does the facility look clean and well-maintained?
Does the facility smell clean?
What is the temperature in the kennels?
Is there adequate ventilation indoors?
How does the staff treat and interact with the animals there?
Does the facility ask for vaccination records?
Is there a requirement for pets to have Bordetella (Kennel Cough) vaccine?
Do you see any evidence of fleas or ticks or other parasites?
Do the dogs and cats seem happy?
Are outdoor runs protected from the elements?
Do they have an emergency plan in place in case of natural disaster, fire or power failure?
Are humans on location 24/7?
Are the indoor kennels large enough?
Are cats and dogs housed separately?
What type of training does staff have?
Is a veterinarian on call and what is his/her name?
Upon Your Return, Help Others
When you arrive home, leave an honest review so others will know of your experience. Pet resorts and other care facilities rely on these for their business and your experience may help others either avoid a bad experience or find a loving place to leave their most important member of the family.


Why Choose a Pet Sitter Over A Kennel

Is it better to board your dogs or hire a pet sitter to come to your house? That’s a question I often get from pet owners all the time. While boarding your pets may have some benefits, here are some reasons why having a pet sitter come to your house instead of boarding.

Less Stressful

An owner being gone is stressful enough for pets. Add on the stress of being in a strange place with a different routine, and that may be too overwhelming for pets. Hiring a pet sitter allows your pet to be in their own home with sights and smells they’re comfortable with.

Your pet will be the focus of attention with visits, instead of fighting for the attention of a kennel attendant. Your pet sitter will be able to stick to your pet’s regular routine, which will make your absence much more bearable.

Which is better? Coming straight home from a long day of traveling to an affectionate pet or rushing home from the airport only to get to the kennel after they close and having to spend another night away from your pet?

Most pet owners would agree that seeing those adorable puppy eyes light up is much better than getting a speeding ticket in vain.

The convenience of having a pet sitter visit your home is one of the top reasons pet owners pick pet sitters over kennels. Say bye bye to running around town and digging around your home for vaccination documents at the last minute.

Peace Of Mind
If you’re leaving home for more than a couple of days, thinking about if that shady neighbor with all the gold watches saw you leave with a suitcase, can drive you crazy.

By hiring a pet sitter you’re not only hiring a pet caretaker. You’re hiring someone to keep an eye on your home. Just having someone park their car in the driveway will scare away any shady folks. Pet sitters can also rotate blinds, turn on and off lights and make other minor changes so it appears as if someone is home.

But Wait, There’s More!
These are merely a couple reasons pets and their owners love professional pet sitters. Once you and your pet forge a relationship with the perfect pet sitter, you’ll never even consider a kennel ever again.
Source: http://www.pet-sitter-directory.com/pet-owners/why-hire-a-professional-pet-sitter/

Paws Plus Pet Sitters St. George Utah

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